How To Make The Right Decision For Choosing The Best Golf Course Mowers

Demand for new golf course equipment has soared to record levels due to the post-lockdown recovery of golf throughout the world in 2020, with orders 30 percent ahead of what many manufacturers predicted.
As a result, golf course superintendents should start preparing for their needs for the upcoming season in 2022. Clubs should consider the following factors when establishing their golf course equipment requirements.
- Take Medium-Term Approach While Choosing Golf Course Maintenance Equipment
Golf course superintendents should consider what they require today and what they will require, must-haves, and nice to have in the next three to five years. This list can then be prioritized, with investments spaced out over time depending on the Club’s budget and other factors. Unfortunately, fleet investment is not a one-time event. The annual investment certainly requires guaranteeing that the maintenance fleet stays fit for its purpose. The course maintenance crew has the resources to meet the high standards anticipated on the golf course.
- Determine Your Needs And Priorities Wisely
Many golf clubs do not devote enough time or attention to examining and evaluating the specifications necessary for each piece of golf course equipment they require, especially mowers. Going to the market to price a golf green mower makes no sense since the specifications of the equipment on offer might vary greatly. Common blunders happen while choosing the right golf course equipment for the job. For example, surrounds or trim mowers are frequently used to mow tees, collars, and approaches.
This task would be conducted using a triplex in an ideal world, allowing the operators to remove cuttings while causing minimal disruption. It’s crucial to make sure the mower you’re looking to price is the proper one for the job and to include as much data as possible in the specification to guarantee competitive bids with no surprises. The number of blades, groomers or no groomers, rear roller brushes, lighting, and accessories are the parameters to consider on golf course mowers.
- Consider Buying A New Or Used Golf Course Equipment
Each golf club must evaluate its specific needs to determine whether new or used equipment is the best option. We would advise golf clubs to purchase new equipment if financially feasible. On modern golf course equipment, warranties are 4+ times longer, providing more peace of mind. In addition, used golf course equipment should depreciate over a shorter period than new equipment; therefore, the yearly cost on the Club’s profit and loss may not be that significant, despite the purchase price difference.
- Decide Which Golf Course Mower And Other Equipment Is Best For You
There may be a bias toward a specific brand or provider within a course. For instance, one may advocate for a John Deere mower, but the Club may have traditionally utilized Toro mowers; thus, any advice or choice must be founded on evidence and reality. When you analyze the makeup of your remaining fleet, it can make sense to stick with a specific brand to give yourself more options.
The cheapest mower may not necessarily be the least expensive purchase. More expensive equipment may have a better residual value, resulting in a lower cost to the Club over five to seven years. The trick, in my opinion, is to figure out which unit best fits your needs and makes the most sense when compared to the other golf course equipment in your fleet. In the end, these variables take precedence over price.
Final Words :
Hopefully, now you have understood the right way to choose the best golf course mowers online. You must be wondering where to start looking for it; for that, you can check Statewide Turf Equipment online. It is the best platform to shop for the finest quality golf course maintenance equipment and receive them right at your doorstep.