Treat the Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome with a Dry Eye Relief Mask!

Among the many health conditions caused due to prolonged screen exposure, dry eye syndrome is one of them. Dry eye syndrome is caused when there is an imbalance in tear production due to which ice does not get enough moisture. Individuals suffering from dry eyes experience irritation, redness, itching, blurred vision, and much more in the eyes. Thankfully, the medical industry has launched a dry eye relief mask(DERM) filled with silica beads that soaks moisture from the air to your eyes. Before using, the mask is required to be heated in a heating device so that it can release moisture into your eyes. Apart from hydrating the eyes, the dry eye relief mask has got additional benefits like:
1. Release clogged oil
Among the many symptoms of dry eyes, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) can be one of them, which is a condition that prevents the eyelids from losing the oil that helps to create tear film. The mixture of oil and water in your eyes is responsible for not allowing the tears to evaporate rapidly, preventing the drying of eyes frequently. The dry eye heat mask uses heat therapy to unclog the oil glands and allow them to mix up with water and mucus to create a hydrated film of the tear. This tear film keeps your eyes moist and improves Blurred vision in individuals suffering from dry eye syndrome.
2. Moisturizes the eyelids
Painful eyelids are one of the many symptoms of dry eye syndrome in which the eyelids become sensitive when they do not receive enough moisture through tears. Even simple blinking can sometimes be uncomfortable in this condition but can be treated using dry eye relief masks. The heating therapy of dry eye relief masks hydrates the sensitive eyelids and makes your blinking easier and less painful with time.
3. Short-term treatment
The dry eye relief mask takes less time to provide relief from many symptoms of dry eye syndrome. It takes approx 5 to 6 minutes to offer relief, and individuals may not have to continue with any other treatment to treat dry eyes. The regular use of dry relief masks prevents you from prolonged dry eye treatments that cost you a lot of bucks and additional time for treatment.
Dry eye syndrome can be caused due to various health conditions, which can be treated with a dry eye relief mask which is a moisture and warm compress used to press against the eyes for a couple of minutes. Individuals are advised to clean their eyes thoroughly with regular water to clean any dirt or debris before using the dry eye relief mask. Continuous use of a dry eye relief mask reduces the symptoms of all infections and eliminates any dirt or bacteria that has gotten into your eyes. Individuals suffering from sinus conditions highly appreciate the use of industry-designed dry eye relief masks applied around the eyes with the subtle compress of a heated pad.
Why heated dry eye masks rather than cold?
Heating treatment is effective in relieving the symptoms of dry eye syndrome by performing the following:
- Preventing the evaporation of tears right after their formation
- Improving the blood circulation in and around the eyes
- Loosening the oil glands to produce enough oil to form a tear film
- Relaxes the eyes and mind through heat therapy
- Enhances better quality of sleep and comfort
The warm compress of dry eye sleep masks helps produce oils or lipids that moisturize the eyes. The mask provides full coverage to the upper part of your face, radiating heat down to the eyelids. If you are looking to buy a supreme quality dry eye relief mask, get in touch with a reputable supplier like to know more.