Preventing The Cutting Masacre: How To Fell A Tree Responsibly

The impact of deforestation is today witnessed in every sector, from agriculture to manufacturing to corporate. An acute look at nature reveals that the environment is perishing with reckless cutting down of trees and forests. Smart tree cutting services in Sacramento maintain sustainable forests by practicing selective logging. For instance, timber is a renewable resource, making forest timber one of the greenest materials available. Tree cutting service Sacramento provides a plethora of services that include small-scale tree care and large undertakings. Anyone can cut a tree, but it takes a real arborist to strategize and execute a plan to better your tree. It is the pivotal duty of a tree cutting service to ensure safety and sustainability while effectively trimming or removing a tree. The tree cutting in Sacramento works in harmony and within guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Here are few tips to keep in mind before cutting trees:
Safety gear
Safety isn’t jargon when it comes to dealing with equipment like chainsaws. Wear a logger’s protective helmet to protect you from descending branches and other major injuries. Earmuffs and face screen to shield ears and eyes. Safety glasses to prevent the eyes from dust. Use Kevlar chaps, which prevent the bar from instantly falling against your leg.
Proactive examination and plan in advance
Trees are taller than you estimate. If you’re planning on cutting a tree, estimate where the tree will fall and in what direction it will incline towards while falling. Allow extra room in your estimate to prevent injuries and accidents at the last minute.
Analyze the anatomy of the tree
When felling a tree, examine the depth of the notch and the diameter of the tree. Look for dead branches if the tree is leaning in a certain direction or heavily loaded on one side. If there are buildings, fences, etc., scrutinize the area meticulously to avoid unprecedented damage when felling the tree. It will be much safer to seek help from a trusted assistant standing a few feet, stick alert.
The Felling cut
Draw a line joining the apex of the notch on either side for a cutting direction. The back cut should be in sync with the apex of the notch. Make the cut. The instant the tree begins to lean, pull the chainsaw free, set the brake on the chain, and walk away to the escape routes. It is always suggested to keep your eyes on the falling tree, so you can react if things go as planned.
After felling the tree
After the tree falls, start cutting the branches off, starting at the lower end of the truck and working on top. It is recommended to stand on the uphill side of the tree. This is a safe and efficient method as you can rest the side and bottom of the chainsaw and slice off the branches in a pivoting motion.
How to practice sustainable cutting?
Forest does a pretty satisfactory job reseeding as long as we leave the parent trees to do the job. Additionally, we need to steer clear of clear-cutting, as it leaves nothing for the tree to reseed. If a clear cut looks inevitable, then we should replant a minimum of one tree for each one that is being harvested. Also, we should try to replant the same species that you garner. If we don’t replant, that piece of land could end up with erosion. Think about the loggers in the future. They will need something to harvest upon. If you leave a forest barren, there will be no resources left for future generations to sustain. Hire a tree cutting company in Sacramento that steers clear of harmful and non-sustainable practices in harvesting trees.