A Home Cinema System Might Not Be A Do-It-Yourself Project

I had finally found a new home for my family. One of the most important aspects, when we were looking for a home, was to find one that either had or could have a media room. I wanted to be able to have a home cinema system installed and needed the right room to do it.
The new home that we chose had the perfect room, but it was not ready for a home theatre yet. It would have to be installed. Buying the home theatre system was not cheap. We got the screen and the video projector along with a surround sound system. We also picked up all the hardware that we would need to mount the system in the room. Since we spent a large portion of our budget on the equipment, I decided to save some money by installing it myself. I am somewhat handy and figured that I could handle this project.
I could not have been more wrong. I spent the whole weekend putting up all the speakers and mounting the screen to the wall, and running the wires through the attic, and thought I had done an okay job. Then I tried to turn it on. It would not work. I pressed buttons, checked plugs, and anything else I could think of to fix it and it still would not work. At some point, my wife convinced me to call in a professional installer to fix the problem. I learned from the professional that this is not a simple job.
The speakers need to be placed correctly to get the best sound from them. The video projector has to be aligned properly with the screen to get a clear picture. And the wiring must be done correctly for it all to work. It took a while, but eventually, the installation was complete. I called in a professional for the last part of my media room.
That person was my wife and she took charge of decorating the room. She got the perfect furniture and made the room look great. We could not be happier with our media room in the end, and love sharing it with our friends and family. But we learned that when you want to do it right, spend the money on professionals.
Hannah writes for various home improvement websites – I decided to write this piece in order of perpetuating further business towards life solutions if you’re interested in a new home theatre system then look no further than the professionals at iLife.