A Guide to Small Business and Corporate Logo Design

Company logos should be made keeping in mind the customer it caters to and the purpose of a logo. The purpose of making a logo lays its effectiveness in conveying a message. To give you business that enlarged and professional outlook a logo is a must. It’s more important as through the logo the vision of a company and also the objective in often conveyed. A logo often plays an important role in forming the brand image of the company and so designing of the same should be done with utmost importance and sincerity. One has to remember that a logo is a great on and helps you stand in the completive market.
The greatness of small business logo design lies in how it conveys the message across. While designing, the designer has to keep in mind how the logo will help to capture that extra mileage required for giving a thrust to the growth of a small scale business. Designing in this case should be able to tap the target audience.
Corporate logo design is a bit different from that of small business logo design as it’s done in a more competitive market where usually the biggest of corporate players are your competitors. Another additional area that has to be kept in mind for corporate designing is that the company is expected to have a certain amount of recognition and a target customer of its own; in such case the logo should speak their caste and mind.
The most important job in small business logo design is the involvement of a professional. A small business has to keep in mind that a logo is its’ corporate identity so one has to keep in mind while designing that it has its own uniqueness and distinctiveness.
To create small business logo design here are some suggestion that one may follow.
• Simplicity is the key
• Logo must have illuminating character
• Must be independent of any color
• Scalable or identifiable is a quality it must have
• Should not be imitative
• Should not be inspired from any other kind of logo
• More than two fronts should be avoided
• Keep in mind that it’s understandable
• Make sure the images used are related to the purpose.
Corporate logo design is a bit different than small business logo design as the stakes are higher. In a way they represent the true picture of the company in front of the customer. To move ahead in the game the professional should be hired.
Some suggestions that should be kept in mind while creating a corporate logo design are
Must have an attractive first impression
Must have a certain degree of uniqueness
Should be elegant
While designing at should kept in mind how it would look in black and white
Should avoid using more colors in logo
Should be easily recognizable
The latest trend should be kept in mind.